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GCDI has drilled nine deep wells and dug several shallow wells in some of the driest parts of Tanzania. These water projects provide clean, safe water continuously for over 100,000 people.

Team members pose for a group photo in Tanga

    Each year GCDI hosts a ministry team in Tanzania. One of our goals is to develop a water project. The process begins months ahead of time with seeking a site and developing or meeting local partners. These are people who will both benefit from and manage the well. They are to make sure water is distributed to the entire community. The visiting team helps to promote and raise funds, gets to put their hands on helping drill the well and have the opportunity to share their faith with those people they meet.

    The result has been that in nine attempts to drill a well, God has answered our collective prayers and blessed people with water each time. Before we begin a project we pray. As the drill is going into the ground, we gather the team, partners and people from the surrounding villages and we pray. When the water comes we pray and rejoice with God's providence.

Girls waiting for water from the tank

    GCDI is involved with every part of a water development project and stays connected to help improve the water site or make repairs when needed.

1) A geological survey establishes the right spot to drill. Government permits are applied for and local Village leadership are consulted.

2) The drilling rig may have to drill between 150 and 250 meters. Once water is discovered, well casing PVC pipes are pushed down into the holes and the well is purged. 

3) A deep well pump is installed, a water tank is set up on a platform, a generator (or power stabilizer on local power lines) is set up, and pipes with faucets are installed for distribution.

Well drilling Big Rig at work
Building the well head cover
Water storage tank
Water tank stand
Cattle trough constructed in Mwerekwa
Generator used for a well pump
Plastice well casing pipes
Getting water from the faucets


    If you have any questions or would like to participate in launching a water project send us an email.

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Jeff Reed is GCDI Project Director in Tanzania.

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Zanzibar Island
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